#42: Digital Marketing for Woodworkers, Welders & Makers

In this episode, Johnny, James, and Zack talk about how to mark in the digital space when you’re a woodworker, metalworker, maker, or anything in between.

#42: Digital Marketing for Woodworkers, Welders & Makers
Crafted Podcast

We’re on Patreon!

We've added a $250 goal for a weekend show, now is a great time to get joined in! We have tons of support levels, a weekly After Show, monthly hangouts, and more. Our top patron this week is Make Build Modify! New Patrons: Frederick McIntyre, Steve MoonshineMetalworks!

What’s new/ what are we working on?

  • Zack: Industrial Farmhouse table, traveling...
  • Johnny: Modern Adirondack chairs, put out Part 2 of the dining chairs
  • James: Bench Shelf,  new desk, and sand blasting

Show Topic: Digital Marketing for Makers

  • Metal & Grain: Has anyone thought about setting a patreon level where they get a monthly or quarterly box with goodies? For example, a small item, a shirt, a sticker and a personal note
  • Evan Dunville: Question : How much importance is there in a logo when marketing yourself (online and in person)
  • Evan Dunville: Another question is what should someone be posting to keep customers interested / what should not be posted?

After Show:

"First off I started listening to your podcast a few weeks ago and started at episode one and I have finally gotten to number 31 and I am absolutely loving it. I am newer to woodworking and even though it is hard to admit I am a little intimidated by drawers and cabinet doors. Are their any videos or educational content you recommend?" - Logan Brodine

What’s new/what are we watching/reading?

  • Johnny: Nintendo Switch, DIY Tyler, Makercise
  • James: Useless Box by Clean Fill Wanted (embedded below)
  • Zack: Podcasts… Radiolab, Invisibilia, Lore Podcast

Favorite tool/product this week?