#33: Planning Your Woodworking Projects vs. Winging It

#33: Planning Your Woodworking Projects vs. Winging It
Johnny Brooke

In this episode, Johnny, James, and Zack talk about how they plan out their projects before heading to the shop, or if they even like to plan it! Enjoy.

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What are we working on?

  • Zack: ...chairs...
  • Johnny: Farmhouse dining table and benches, Make Magazine video
  • James: Making lumber with my bear hands. And the new Work bench.

Purchase Plans: https://craftedworkshop.com/store/farmhouse-dining-set-bundle In this video, I'll show you how to build a farmhouse dining table and matching benches using construction lumber. The total cost of materials is less than $250 for the table and two benches! Let's get started. Support This Week's Sponsors!

Courtesy of Johnny Brooke of Crafted Workshop, learn how to make a magnetic key ring and coat hook in any shape you choose with the help of a Shapeoko 3 CNC router. ------------------------------------------------------------ Visit us on the web! http://www.makezine.com Go to a Maker Faire! http://www.makerfaire.com Subscribe to the Magazine!

Show Topic: Planning Your Woodworking Projects vs. Winging It

  • Zack: Plan/sketchup all of the concrete information
  • Johnny: Plan everything ahead of time in SketchUp, going into the shop with cutlist in hand.
  • James: Start with the one piece everything is built off of and go from there.

What’s new/what are we watching/reading?

Favorite tool/product this week?


“What Type of Maker Are You?” by Peter Brown